Well, I've turned in a lap of 15.759 seconds at Bristol and have been
able to qualify on or near the pole at as high as 98% opponent
strength. However, I've discovered a serious problem with the AI at
the track. You simply cannot race back to the line on cautions.
Basically, the AI cars in front of me tend to brake on a dime once
they have crossed the line and do not allow room for those behind them
who are racing for position. I have no choice but to yield
position(s) to the driver(s) behind me and slow way down in order to
avoid a collision. Otherwise, there is a huge wreck, comlete with a
blown engine.
Other than this apparent bug, Bristol continues to be one of my
favorite tracks and I've been fairly *** there. I can even run
up front with a damaged rear and fenders.
Kirn Cromur