recently bought a new machine and tried to install it on a PII 450,
128 MB RAM, STB 16 MB TNT Riva machine. On my last machine a P150 (no
mmx no 3d) and 32 MB RAM it ran fine. But on this machine it seems
very jittery. The game moves and renders well in the garage area but
when it comes to the track the screen suddenly jitters about like it
overdosed on caffine. The sound also seems to nervous and the controls
seem random at times.
During installation I selected the software version because my card
doesn't support 3DFx.
I have no idea why this is happening, and I am rather bummed because I
liked the game so much. I have not had any trouble installing other
games like GPL, WWII fighter, Rainbow Six or Starcraft, but PCE seems
to be doomed. It seems that Bethsdasoft Tech support abandoned me. I
e-mailed them my problem, their only response was to ask me if I chose
the softwar version, when I said yes, they stoped responding.
Please help, thank you in advance for your help.