>Is anyone else out there using the CH Products Virtual Pilot Pro and
>Pro Pedals?
>I'll tell you, it may not be a true wheel but it has worked great for
>me. And talk about support, I wrote to them about the probs I was
>having in N1 and primarily in N2 with the car wanting to slam to the
>right as wheel hit centerline on straights. In less than 1 day, on a
>weekend, I had a reply that it sounded like a sticking pot. When I,
>not being an elecronics whiz, said to them "a sticking what??" They
>immediatly 2nd day'd me 2 replacement pots with a message that if I
>was unable to replace myself or messed something else up while doing
>replacement that they would send me a second unit to use while sending
>mine in for a full warrantied rebuild so as not to miss any races on
>my league. Cracked it open, took about 15 minutes for me to figure it
>out and unhook/solder in new pots and away I go.
>So, went from email about prob, to fixed and perfect working with an
>offer to have loaner while mine repaired at their expense if I messed
>up doing own repair in less than 4 days, and my first email went to
>them on a suturday night <G>.
>Now that's a company that will see repeat business from me. Of course
>it also helps that unlike T1, T2, TNP, I haven't seen 48 messages a
>week asking why it wont configure correctly <G>. Hooked it up and off
>to the races.
I like not having to have a seperate controller for flight sims. But
I do miss having a full steering wheel like in a real car because my
hands and arms get tired being in the same position for 2-3 hours.
The only thing I wish is that the wheel had a little more resistants.
It turns to easily. But other than that, I'm glad I bought it.