forums and a lot of new features where added.
Yesterday Magnetic Fields posted a thread on "Fitting it all in"
"Here at Magnetic Fields, all the talk over the last couple of days has been
how to fit 20+ cars, 400 miles of track, loads of graphics, pictures, sound
and music all onto one measly CD. We're still trying to decide the best way,
wondered what everyone else thought. Here are our options
(1) Use 2 CD's, install some stuff fom the first one, then use the other one
to play and load music and anything else require from that
(2) Crunch all the data on the CD, forcing a full install (700Mb) or slower
loading times
(3) Reduce the amount of in-game music and/or slideshows of the cars
Wondered what everyone else thought about it, and how much hard drive space
they would be prepared to use for Rally Chmpionship
Here you have it. Take your advantage with it. Let Magnetic Fields know what
you think on our renewed forums. (Comments can be posted at:
Digital Illusions (Rally Masters/Test Drive Rally) has also got three
developers answering all your questions on this game. Check out our Rally
Masters/Test Drive Rally Forum at
Kenneth Verburg
Webmaster/Editor-in-chief High Gear