GPeditor 4.0 (F1GP/WC)

Dave 'Gizmo' Gym

GPeditor 4.0 (F1GP/WC)

by Dave 'Gizmo' Gym » Thu, 20 Apr 1995 04:00:00

A little birdie told me that Trevor Kellaway on Compu$erve has released
version 4 of his excellent GPed (what happened to version 3?). If
anyone has a copy, I'd really appreciate either being mailed it or
you mailing it to Peter Burke to put on didnt.doit.

-- Gizmo

Doug Reichl

GPeditor 4.0 (F1GP/WC)

by Doug Reichl » Thu, 20 Apr 1995 04:00:00

Yes, I have been talking with Trevor lately, and he has done v4.0 of

He is in the process of mailing it to me.  When I get it, I will put it
up on

Doug Reichl

GPeditor 4.0 (F1GP/WC)

by Doug Reichl » Fri, 21 Apr 1995 04:00:00

I got GPEditor v4.0 in the mail just now.  I'll need to rebuild it and
verify it.

Look for it no later than tomorrow, at least if I don't have problems
with it (I hate windoze).  

I'll post a note stating that it is available when I get it uploaded.


GPeditor 4.0 (F1GP/WC)

by Julio » Tue, 25 Apr 1995 04:00:00

The last time I was on CompuServe, all you had to do was type "GO PAPYRUS".
If that doesn't work, I think they were in either GAMEPUBD or GAMEPUBE.

Julio C. Chacon, Jr.
Officially Sanctioned Race Fanatic

Adam Williams

GPeditor 4.0 (F1GP/WC)

by Adam Williams » Tue, 25 Apr 1995 04:00:00

This is my first post, but could anyone tell me the correct forum for Indycar Racing on
C$erve? It's driving me nuts trying to find it...
|Adam Williamson      |Maintainer of the  |

|"The views expressed |and total computer |
|here do not represent|nut. "Computers    |
|those of my pet      |forever! Pass me   |
|lemming."            |those pills!       |
Oliver Rober

GPeditor 4.0 (F1GP/WC)

by Oliver Rober » Tue, 25 Apr 1995 04:00:00

> Yes, I have been talking with Trevor lately, and he has done v4.0 of
> GPeditor.  

Amiga owners might be interesting in knowing that I'm currently
developing version 3.00 of F1GP-Ed, which I hope to have finished
by August.  It will also patch copies of F1GP running in memory
as well as the F1GP binary on disk.  Among the new additions is
the addition of GPPatch!  Basically, V3.00 is looking very good
and will completely out perform the current shareware version, but
will require registration for full use (ie some things will be

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