Controller question

Chris Bloo

Controller question

by Chris Bloo » Sat, 08 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Excuse any ignorance in the terminology I use, but until I got my MS PP
stick I had trouble with several other joysticks both cheap and expensive.
After a while they would all encounter a problem, which would cause them to
send the car (or plane or whatever) in the opposite direction whenever I was
turning at a certain degree.  I would like to know what causes this problem
and is it all sticks apart from MS and does it affect wheels in the same

One of the wheels I have been looking at is the one from ACT labs, mainly to
the fact that they seem (from what I have seen anyway) to be the only
hardware manufacturer who has answered questions in this NG and obviously
takes an interest in what the "enthusiasts" are wanting.

Any clarification on this subject would be appreciated


Sun Tz

Controller question

by Sun Tz » Sun, 09 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Hey Chris,
You got it.  I once needed some tech support and this dude, Zenon was so
helpful.  Their service rocks and they really do listen to feedback.
Have any of you guys ever tried to get tech support from Logitech?  It sucks
and you have to pay for long distance charges!!!!  OK...I've vented.
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