good quality wheel and pedal set. Currently have Rhrustmaster Nascar
Pro and am looking for an upgrade. Please let me know what you think.
Wifey is looking for suggestions for a Christmas present so I need
your help. Mainly used for Nascar4
> >Need some help. Would only like to spend a maximum of $150-200 on a
> >good quality wheel and pedal set. Currently have Rhrustmaster Nascar
> >Pro and am looking for an upgrade. Please let me know what you think.
> >Wifey is looking for suggestions for a Christmas present so I need
> >your help. Mainly used for Nascar4
> >Thanks
> Well the new BRD pedal set is allready out of the question then ;)
> I'd say go for the Logi Momo or the ACT Labs with the new pedal set.
> Momo has a better wheel and better force feedback, ACT has a funky
> shifter which is cool for N4, and a clutch pedal, which is also cool
> for N4.
> Andre
>>Need some help. Would only like to spend a maximum of $150-200 on a
>>good quality wheel and pedal set. Currently have Rhrustmaster Nascar
>>Pro and am looking for an upgrade. Please let me know what you think.
>>Wifey is looking for suggestions for a Christmas present so I need
>>your help. Mainly used for Nascar4
>Well the new BRD pedal set is allready out of the question then ;)
>I'd say go for the Logi Momo or the ACT Labs with the new pedal set.
>Momo has a better wheel and better force feedback, ACT has a funky
>shifter which is cool for N4, and a clutch pedal, which is also cool
>for N4.
> > >Need some help. Would only like to spend a maximum of $150-200 on a
> > >good quality wheel and pedal set. Currently have Rhrustmaster Nascar
> > >Pro and am looking for an upgrade. Please let me know what you think.
> > >Wifey is looking for suggestions for a Christmas present so I need
> > >your help. Mainly used for Nascar4
> > >Thanks
> > Well the new BRD pedal set is allready out of the question then ;)
> > I'd say go for the Logi Momo or the ACT Labs with the new pedal set.
> > Momo has a better wheel and better force feedback, ACT has a funky
> > shifter which is cool for N4, and a clutch pedal, which is also cool
> > for N4.
> > Andre