> Some questions that I have re: ICR2 follow:
> 1) In modem racing how come I see my opponent driving my car/paint job?
> Have we done something wrong?
> It would be cool to race a friend and see his paint job and have him
> see my paint job.
I can answer your first question, I'll leave the rest of them for others...
If you and your buddy have both got personalized paintjobs, then he'll have
to send you a copy of his car, by exporting it from Paintkit. Then you have
to export the car you want to replace his with. You'll have to rename his car
to whatever filename matches the car you're replacing. If it's IND00.PCX (as
it is in my case) rename his car (which will probably be IND95.PCX) to that
filename, then import it over that car from in paintkit. Then you have to
do the reverse for him...send him the PCX of your car.
Now, regarding what car you see....if you RECEIVE the call, you will be in
your own car. If you MAKE the call, you'll be in his car. I have one
racing buddy who I call, another who calls me. When I MAKE the call, I
change my carset to one I named MODEM. It's identical to my normal set,
but my car is swapped with my buddy's (actually, whoever I race is in a
special bright green car that's VERY easy to see on the track, not in
their own painted car).
If you don't know how to make a new carset, it's easy....create a new
directory under ICR2/CARS/. Call it MODEM, or whatever. Copy all the files
from your normal carset directory into MODEM. Rename the DAT file to
MODEM.DAT. Then do PAINTKIT MODEM and swap his and your cars. Edit
the driver info in the game or directly in the DRIVERS2.TXT.
I hope that wasn't too confusing...good luck...
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel..
Neil Yeatman, Ajax, Ontario, CANADA