>>Hi all,
>>The most wanted game GP2 has been released here in Finland to. You can
>>buy it in Helsinki from one store (Suomalainen kirjakauppa). The game
>>manual is written in english but the release box is in finnish, so it's
>>a special version to Finland.
>YES!...thanks Kauppi...looks like Ill have no problem whatsoever for
>fiquring out what to eat today in my lunch break... :-)
>...hope its not sold out...oh this glorious day!
>I cant believe it...almost 2 years in waiting and now the time has
I knew it...I spent my lunch break visiting the shop and...guess
...yep...."tomorrow"(Friday the 13th..ermmm..sorry 19th :)) the guy
hehehe....the only thing I can now is laugh...
...man Im DESPERATE!!!...but luckily Im not alone... :)
I CAN believe it...almost 2 years in waiting and ...still waiting :-)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ville Kopu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ViK at IRC, #f1&#gp2 http://koti.kolumbus.fi\~vkopu
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Second is first of loserS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~