Cheers, uwe
Cheers, uwe
>> I'm still digging in to it and have a long way to go. However, I'm
>> seeing
>> some ISI-based traints that, game after game, simply don't seem to
>> friggen'
>> go away:
>> 1. Controller setup. It's still too finicky. You have to fiddle and
>> fiddle and fiddle and fiddle until you stumble upon something that works
>> for
>> DIGITAL SETUP SHIT ALREADY! I don't know why any developer has put
>> effort
>> into re-designing the canned ISI based controller setup system. It's
>> beyond
>> my comprehension how something so badly designed can go on, and on and on
>> and on, game after game after gane. Paleeeease!
> Just wondering, what controller are you using?
> cheers, uwe
The Leo FFB plugin for rFactor also works with ARCA. That's what I'm
using now instead of ReelFeel. LeoFFB has a great feel. There isn't
a lot of tweaking to do with it.
Pat Dotson
Not sure whether it's available in Europe or not. I think it is, but can't
be sure. I copied the whole game over to the drive of my other computer, to
run a dedicated server. I tried once starting the game, and up came the
same "buy" option that you get when running the demo of rFactor. So
apparently it can be purchased that way, though there is no demo.
using now instead of ReelFeel. LeoFFB has a great feel. There isn't
a lot of tweaking to do with it.
Pat Dotson
How's the plugin work? Do you just drop it in the plugin folder? I myself
have been looking for some G25 settings for ARCA, also. It looks like RSC
is down again.
The Leo FFB plugin for rFactor also works with ARCA. That's what I'm
using now instead of ReelFeel. LeoFFB has a great feel. There isn't
a lot of tweaking to do with it.
Pat Dotson
just checked the simfactory website, and the title is $65
incl. shipping to Germany. That's a bit steep in my view, so I was
wondering if there was another option to get the title like download
only or something? Or maybe I'll just wait for the price to drop a bit
or for the title to appear in the shops in Germany (although I doubt
many are going to stock it).
cheers, uwe
Glad that helped.
You need to bail on the stock FFB and get RealFeel or preferably
LeoFFB. See my other post about that. The Sim Factory guys don't
believe in FFB for these cars at all. I think they tweaked all the
feel out of the FFB settings on purpose. They'll argue that it's more
realistic, and closer to what drivers feel in a real car. I can't
argue with that. But I believe that you have to compensate somehow
for lack of other feedback. I can't and won't live without wheel FFB.
Look for a 'head movement' slider in one of the menus. I think it's
somewhere in the 'controls' section. IIRC It's in with the speed
sensitive steering slider, the look-to-apex slider, and the
exaggerated yaw slider.
Pat Dotson
Glad that helped.
You need to bail on the stock FFB and get RealFeel or preferably
LeoFFB. See my other post about that. The Sim Factory guys don't
believe in FFB for these cars at all. I think they tweaked all the
feel out of the FFB settings on purpose. They'll argue that it's more
realistic, and closer to what drivers feel in a real car. I can't
argue with that. But I believe that you have to compensate somehow
for lack of other feedback. I can't and won't live without wheel FFB.
Look for a 'head movement' slider in one of the menus. I think it's
somewhere in the 'controls' section. IIRC It's in with the speed
sensitive steering slider, the look-to-apex slider, and the
exaggerated yaw slider.
Pat Dotson
> -Larry