>>>using throttle help ?
>>Yes... I've tried without but with the keyboard you lose part of the
>au contraire. I find it much more challenging in terms of driver's
>technique and hability to mantain the car on track than using a
>joystick,,, It is much more demanding using keyboard with _no_
>throttle help...
So what? It's probably even more challenging if you drive by tapping
on the the keyboard with your bare feet.
Most of us purchased this because we want to simulate a formula one
race car. Last time I looked, they used a wheel.
I'm glad that F1GP2 has facilities that allow those who don't have
access steering wheels to enjoy the sim. I hope these facilities don't
give the keyboard user an unfair advantage over those of us who use
I'm not criticizing those who can't afford, or for some other reason
can't use a steering wheel. Use what you can. Have fun.
I wish one person would act as a repository and post F1GP2 lap records,
the way they were posted for ICR. I would like this list to indicate the
control type, and any help that was enabled.
I use no help, but I do race invulnerable. So I know there are people
who think I'm a wimp too.