Jerry Morelock
Are you talking about the original engine sounds or the third-party
I think the replacements are great, but the ones that came with the game
.... weren't.
Please remove SPAMLESS before replying via email. Thank you.
( Y ) : ``I'm not blipping the throttle.
()~*~() : It's... traction control :)
(_)-(_) . --Greger Huttu
they scream and theres a really low bass line that is lost on tv that
literally makes your pants vibrate and your lungs bleed.
we dont quite get that in sims.
not sure why.
Headroom. In digital sound there is a maximum volume that you can not exceed. 0. After 0
there is a lot of gobbledy gook. Bad things happen when 0 is surpassed. So, when summing
sounds, one must be careful to leave enough 'headroom' to allow all the channels that are
added to combine without exceeding (or even approaching, really) the dreaded 0. Analog
circuits are much more forgiving from our perspective. When they are 'clipped' due to
excessive levels, we tend to consider the distortion warm. (has to do with harmonics,
mostly) When digital distortion happens we tend to dislike it.
In games like F1RS and MPRS and F1RC and the EA thing I hear a lot of all the ugly things
that can be heard in poor software. Stepping or zipping. Dissonant harmonics. Phasing.
Clipping. A general lack of quality all around. Comes from refusing to spend the dough to
hire an actual sound guy. People who listen to sounds all day long, and manipulate them
every chance they get, really *do* hear things that the common mortal does not. Just like
a fighter pilot or chess champion might seem to be on another level, their instincts seem
to defy human capability. Intense training has developed their entire being to a point
that you and I simply cannot relate to. So, when 'Joe' the programmer hears phasing, he
may or may not recognize it, but he sure doesn't know what it is. Without knowing what
causes the problem there is no hope of writing or buying software to remedy it.
I think my favorite modulation engine is GP3. It's so smooth and accurate in how it
follows the pedal. I know I've heard as good or better in arcades but couldn't name them
offhand. There are a lot of developers that buy the right tools or hire the right people.
Ah well.... you get what you pay for.... and in our case, we get what UBI pays for.
Mark Jeangerard
2. Physics - While a good audio engineer may suspend your disbelief and articulate a
performance perfectly to you and millions of others who were never there to witness the
original, he/she can never make a pair of little plastic diaphragms that fit in your ear
sound like a Steinway. It's not physically possible to recreate the energy through them.
Mark Jeangerard
> they scream and theres a really low bass line that is lost on tv that
> literally makes your pants vibrate and your lungs bleed.
> we dont quite get that in sims.
> not sure why.
> pez
> > I'm sorry to ask about a topic that I'm sure has been discussed
> > previously. But, why is it that the engine sounds in GPL are so much
> > better and realistic than in a sim like F1RS, F1RC etc.? Thanks!
Todd Walker
Nikon Coolpix 950
On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 23:56:10 -0600, "mark jeangerard"
>2. Physics - While a good audio engineer may suspend your disbelief and articulate a
>performance perfectly to you and millions of others who were never there to witness the
>original, he/she can never make a pair of little plastic diaphragms that fit in your ear
>sound like a Steinway. It's not physically possible to recreate the energy through them.
Along the same topic, no "speed shot" on TV can compare to standing a foot
from the fence watching those cars come at you at 180+. I could not stop
myself from taking a step back. Your body is *convinced* you're gonna get
hit, and it wants OUT of there!
> they scream and theres a really low bass line that is lost on tv that
> literally makes your pants vibrate and your lungs bleed.
> we dont quite get that in sims.
> not sure why.
> pez
> > I'm sorry to ask about a topic that I'm sure has been discussed
> > previously. But, why is it that the engine sounds in GPL are so much
> > better and realistic than in a sim like F1RS, F1RC etc.? Thanks!