> To start off. I don't know you personally David. So my judgement of you
> made on your posts here in ras.
> You know Dave. I was going to ignore all your comments etc. But you've
> me totally pissed off. I had enough of your smartass type when I worked
> retail. But you're worse than the them. My customers had an excuse, they
> were drunk or stoned or both.
> you're a troll. All you want to do is start another *** fight with
> You couldn't let todays race be, could you. For *** sake man. Grow up.
> If you don't like John, don't talk to him. don't race him. just stay
> the hell away from him. I've only just started racing in rascar. If this
> keeps up, i'll probably leave. not because of John, but you. Which is
> probably what you're after. Your agenda at the moment, or so it seems is
>***John off, and cause the demise of rascar.
> Christ man, you two had a coming together on the track. woopee f*****g
> chook. is it going to scar you for life. Since you were racing on a
> PRIVATELY owned server, you were there at the owners leisure. He could've
> booted anyone and not had to give an excuse. It was HIS server.
> Its just a game. you know, you went to the shop and paid for it. Its
> designed to give enjoyment. It gives me enjoyment, because I know nothing
> it is real. Once I turn it off, its all over. Who gives a shit where we
> finish in the races. So what if we crash. Is it the end of the world.
> someone going to drop a nuke because of it.
> Maybe you need, how do the Americans say it.....therapy. If a game and
> person can cause you to be so childish in your attitude and actions, you
> have major problems. Get your hand off your*** and get grip on life.
> Why did you have to bring this up here and not in the Rascar forum?
> to start a public *** fight.
> Grow up. Its just a game.
> I very rarely react like this to someones comments. For all I know, you
> could be one of the nicest people on Earth. I tried to stay out of this.
> But like I said at the start, its really pissing me off. If I didn't like
> Johns attitude or the way he drives, or anyone else that I'm racing
> the back of the field) in rascar, I wouldn't race. Why put myself in a
> position to get worked up and angry for. Its the way I was brought up.
> you see a problem, avoid it, don't go full steam ahead into it and make
> problem worse.
> Sit back and have a good think about what you're doing, man. Its not
> healthy.
> ok. got that off my chest. I'll just put my flack jacket on and fire
> overalls on. Fire away....
> Steve
> > ..........which proves things are out of hand.
> > Download replays here
> > I didn't have a single problem in practice with anyone until I made up
> about
> > three or four seconds on John at one point. He then was all over the
> > in front of me (not sure why, makes me wonder though) for a few laps in
> > replay 1, and then when I went to go past him, he gave me no room
> > T3/4 and on exit (despite he himself asking if we should cancel the race
> > just a little while earlier due to latency). He ended up hitting me and
> > wiping out. He makes a sarcastic remark afterwards. Sorry John, I still
> > rarely ever cause a yellow, so you can stuff your little comment.
> > like that during a RASCAR event is not within the "rules" I think also.
> John
> > apparently won't even concede a position during practice when he's
> or
> > beaten through a turn. Everyone else cooperated nicely under similiar
> > circumstances. Not John. He stays in the black right with me and even
> though
> > there's a whole lot of track to his right (look at heli view), he
> > it.
> > In replay 2, after pitting, he comes out ahead of me again (happy day)
> > brakes hard right in front of me, screeching his tires, dropping down to
> 94
> > mph at a point entering T1 (gray line after light) when most cars are
> > usually doing 110 to 115 (check #3 and others in replay). We collide,
> he
> > then threatens to kick me off the server.
> > ?????
> > No problems in practice with any other drivers except with John. Nice
> > clean. Clean race. 1 incident point for me, which Grubbat immediately
> > the blame for when he got loose and some cars rear ended each other.
> > Threatening to kick someone off the server has never happened before,
> > (surprise) it just happened to occur to me, and right after the talk the
> > past few days.
> > What a coincidence.
> > Yes, I'm sure things will be just fine with the new rules/black
> > flags/punishments.
> > David G Fisher