A new online racing game for F1GP has started at
A great site. The game should start soon.
John Slade
A new online racing game for F1GP has started at
A great site. The game should start soon.
John Slade
I suppose you don't have better things to do than slamming people with less
powerful computers? How about asking yourself how _constructive_ your comments
are before you post next time. Or maybe you don't care that you make the
impression of being a bully?
PS: even F1GP for Amiga still has players on the Net. Maybe it has only 0.00001%
of the realism of GPL4, it might still be twice as much fun!!!
Please remove *anti-spam* from the email when replying.
When everything else failed, we can still become im-
mortal by making an enormous blunder....
John Kenneth Galbraith
I suppose we need wait about another 3 years for the GP2 version?
> A great site. The game should start soon.
> ---------------------------------
> John Slade
> http://www.john-slade.home.ml.org
> > I suppose we need wait about another 3 years for the GP2 version?
> I suppose you don't have better things to do than slamming people with less
> powerful computers? How about asking yourself how _constructive_ your comments
> are before you post next time. Or maybe you don't care that you make the
> impression of being a bully?
> JoH
> PS: even F1GP for Amiga still has players on the Net. Maybe it has only 0.00001%
> of the realism of GPL4, it might still be twice as much fun!!!
> Please remove *anti-spam* from the email when replying.
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> When everything else failed, we can still become im-
> mortal by making an enormous blunder....
> John Kenneth Galbraith
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
What's your problem? Why is it strange?
What's the relevance?
Why did you respond to this message when you didn't have anything useful to say
Please remove *anti-spam* from the email when replying.
When everything else failed, we can still become im-
mortal by making an enormous blunder....
John Kenneth Galbraith
> > Sorry about that but it seemed a little strange to see this for such an old sim.
> What's your problem? Why is it strange?
The relevance is that if your a private group then good luck to you. If your a major
games server type of thing then this seems very odd to me. So are you going to tell us what
you are or not?
Well, I thought it was a good opportunity to be a funny fella. I like being a funny
fella! He he he he he! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ho ho ho ho ho!
John Slade
>> > Sorry about that but it seemed a little strange to see this for such
an old sim.
>> What's your problem? Why is it strange?
> My problem is, I have even deleted GP2 off my HD and people are doing
networked versions
>of GP1??????????? What's your next project, a networked version of space
invaders? Or Pac
>> >So
>> >this is a private project developed by individuals or the work of a
major games server?
>> What's the relevance?
> The relevance is that if your a private group then good luck to you. If
your a major
>games server type of thing then this seems very odd to me. So are you going
to tell us what
>you are or not?
>> Why did you respond to this message when you didn't have anything useful
to say
>> anyway?
> Well, I thought it was a good opportunity to be a funny fella. I like
being a funny
>fella! He he he he he! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ho ho ho ho ho!
>> > Sorry about that but it seemed a little strange to see this for such an old sim.
>> What's your problem? Why is it strange?
> My problem is, I have even deleted GP2 off my HD and people are doing networked versions
>of GP1??????????? What's your next project, a networked version of space invaders? Or Pac
That wasn't the point anyway.
The point is: why do you feel the need to spoil his fun? Why does it bother you?
Read posts that you reply to. I don't KNOW what I am since I'm not who I'm
supposed to be :-)
(complete silence, as you can hear)
I think you need some more practice, Byron. :-)
To end this useless thread I will say: "Live and let live, Byron!"
Please remove *anti-spam* from the email when replying.
When everything else failed, we can still become im-
mortal by making an enormous blunder....
John Kenneth Galbraith