and a Thrustmaster NASCAR Pro racing wheel, by Mail Order over the internet for
$349,90 (210.50 approx). Postage was by DHL, it arrived within 4 days of
ordering, and shipping cost only $38.27, (23.13). This makes a total price of
The cheapest price I've seen un the UK for the 3D Card is 170, and the
steering wheel for 100, (called a TM Formula One in this country, but exactly
the same except for the badging), which makes 270, and that's before shipping.
If you add on roughly 30 for shipping, (the Wheel comes in a big box), I
reckon I've saved about 65, (+27%), by shopping on the Internet, (If you
wanted to by the same items on the High Street you will have to spend well over
300, and carry them home!).
I fitted both items to my PC, (a UK purchased PC), and they worked first
Does anyone else use this method for purchasing compatable hardware??
If everyone started to use this method then maybe the money-grabbing UK sales
companies would have to lower their prices to remain competative. (I certainly
buy all my CD's from the USA, as even with postage my CD's still only cost less
than 11.00!!)
Just a thought
If anyone else is interested in making a transatlantic purchase but cannot find
the sales company I used, (should be pretty easy), then drop me an email and
I'll tell you who I purchased from, (I'm not putting it in this message as some
"Spamhead" will only accuse me of being an advertiser, and I am not!!)