A late 80s model is more my price range!
Robin Lord - Trance DJ & Sim Racer.
Nrburgring and Grand Prix Legends
| Never driven one but they were good enough to justify a one make national
| racing series in the UK a couple of years back.
| MS
| > What was the crx like? I'm pondering buying one as i need a new car
| I
| > wrote mine off.
| >
| > --
| > Cheers,
| >
| > Robin Lord - Trance DJ & Sim Racer.
| >
| > http://www.racesimcentral.net/
| >
| > Nrburgring and Grand Prix Legends
| >
| > |
| > | > Actually, I went the other way. I drive a six-year-old Saturn sedan
| > | > in real life (couldn't throw it sideways with a catapult) and have
| > | > found great enjoyment pushing around Trabants, Fiat 500s and 2CVs in
| > | > BreakNeck. Nothing like putting a CH pedal to the, uh, plastic and
| > | > having the simulated vehicle leap to a top speed of, say, 53 mph!
| > | > hitting even a modest grade and watching the gears drop from 4th to
| > | > 1st. Most kidding aside, racing woefully underpowered cars rewards
| > | > precision and, for all its other shortcomings, the Saturn, while
| > | > hardly speedy, does respond to precise commands.
| > | >
| > | I finally learned what it meant to be smooth when I bought a '72
| Mercedes
| > | manual *** 240D. When you got speed up on that thing you didn't
| to
| > | give it up for anything!
| > |
| > | Big heavy sedan, skinny hard tires, no power, but on the other hand a
| > superb
| > | chassis and suspension. You could actually powerslide the thing in the
| > snow,
| > | and with absolute confidence and precision no matter how bad the road
| > | conditions.
| > |
| > | Since then I've owned and Alfa, a CRX and even a Maserati, but I still
| > miss
| > | that old Merc.
| > |
| > |
| >
| >