in N3......... maybe?
I mean no disrespect to you guys at Papyrus.....but you might want to think
about "checking" your graphics for a particular race track that you plan on
including in one of your sims. What is up with've now made Sears
Point "green" for the fourth straight time......?
Would you make the desert surrounding Las Vegas green? Of course not! So why
do you insist on making the open range land around Sears Point green? Its not
green....but for a few weeks in early spring. There is NO green grass along
trackside....the hills are not green......geeesh. The only "green" is the
trees....which have substantially "grown" in size and abundance from what you've
depicted in N99....hopefully you got that part right....and hopefully the
trackside buildings and garages will be correct (location and color) this time?
Those of us who race at Sears....or who live in the area and regularly attend
racing events there..........were hoping to see finally a Sears Point that looks
and feels something like the real track. You've done such a good job with the
track itself (surface, geometry, elevation and camber)...but its so irritating
to see the track, otherwise......"dressed" completely wrong!
And the trackside walls? Yikes.....! There's very little use of the "white
tires" anymore at Sears....only in a few spots. And there hasn't been a
right-side cement wall near the racing surface coming down through the "esses"
from turn #7 for about 3 years now! There's also no right-side wall on the
inside of turn #11...that area is completely open now (ever since the NASCAR
"shoot" was constructed). I only hope these have been rendered properly?
But.....if the screen shot on the Papy website (showing Turn #2 from the TV Cam
angle) is any indication.....I think maybe these long-standing changes of the
real Sears Point have not made it into the N3 version. Up to now....about 120
of us out here at Sears have been "irritated".....we're going to be "pissed"
this time......this "fourth time" in a row!
Just like I've done for the N99 version....I'll put in another 100 hours
changing all the .mip files to "straw/gray" the
buildings...and moving them....or removing them (the ones not there
anymore)......fixing the trees and the grandstands.
If GPLBatch doesn't work in N3.......are one of you r.a.s. guys working on one
that works for N3.......hopefully?
To everyone at Papyrus......."Thanks for listening." I feel much better now.
Tom Pabst