>I'm getting back into GPL after a year and a half away,
>and cannot remember how to do screenshots. I think there
>is a key to use during live action, and another during
>playback of tapes?
>Also is there a way to show framerate during playback?
>Or is it only during live action? How about during live action
>but viewing rather than in one's own car?
If you run in D3d, press the print-screen key and paste into any paint
If you run in 3dfx, also press print-screen, but now the screenshot
will be saved as a .pbf file to your gpl folder. use pbf2tga.exe in
your gpl folder to convert the file to .tga format.
(from memory, somebody correct me if I'm wrong please)
PS - 1.5 year away from GPL? You missed a LOT, with all the updates
and addon tracks you will hardly reckognize GPL again :)
Do take a look here: http://gplpp.com/ and here