I want to upgrade my P75 but I would't buy an Intel processor.
What is the best processor as speed as a P150/166 if possible?
I want to upgrade my P75 but I would't buy an Intel processor.
What is the best processor as speed as a P150/166 if possible?
Why not Intel? For 3d games, the Intel has an advantage over the
Cyrix and AMD chips since it has faster floating point.
If not Intel, then Cyrix is supposedly substantial quicker per mHz
than Intel.
Cyrix Speed Intel equiv
100mHz Pentium 120
120mHz Pentium 150
133mHz Pentium 166
but this does NOT stand up for CAD or 3-D rendering! (gp2)
If you do go Intel (recommended!) then the most cost effective at
the moment is 120 or 133, because although 150 and 166 are
faster processors, they multiply the bus clock by a fraction and
thus get higher overheads. Games that use alot of graphics need
a high bus speed as well as a high CPU speed.
P60,66,90,120 and 133 all multiply bus speeds by whole numbers.
Other CPUs are faster, and some motherboards may support
higher bus speeds, but I haven't seen em yet. Don't flame me
if I'm wrong - my customers won't listen to me :-)
The P75 was actually slower in processing by 1% under the P66
since it used the slowest bus speed of all the Pentiums. Don't
rule out Intel because the 75 was a dog.
I'd recommend getting a new motherboard as well, the new INTEL
chipsets FX and HX give another 10% for a given CPU.
Yeah, I know I'm following up my own post, but I have to
make a correction - oops...:-)
This is a more accurate list of Intel based speed increases
Got this info from Aust PC World from a benchmark average.
CPU BUS Multiple %overP60
p166 66 2.5 59%
p150 60 2.5 56%
p133 66 2.0 48%
p120 60 2.0 41%
p100 66 1.5 unsure :-(
p90 60 1.5 21%
p75 50 1.5 12%
p66 66 1.0 14% (yes - faster than 75)
It's not a question of speed, faster CPUs do offer better perf., but
if money is an issue as well, the $ increase in getting a top of the line
CPU with a minor speed increase is hard to validate.
I should qualify this hardware garbage with a mention that fast RAM
contributes mightily to frame rates. I got rid of 16mb of standard and
got the same amount of EDO, and ICRII, Nascar and gp2 all
improved slightly. Didn't help my lap times tho'.
If your'e not worried about Quake then it may be worth
going for a Cyrix 166+ or wait a short while and get a
Cyrix 200+. They should both be a lot cheaper than Intel
Anyone feel free to inform me otherwise!
On 12 Sep 1996 09:33:46 GMT, "Jason Harrison"
I tottally agree here with you, and if you get a board that can handle
200mhz then if the latest and greatest of the next generation games
are fp intensive you can always pop in an Intel.