Strange concept, but that seems to be their raison d'etre. Too bad their
actual reviewers are hopeless (browse some of the other sim reviews.
Among other things, you will find yet more childish *** innuendo and a
coplete lack of understanding of what racing games are all about). So,
they have a purpose, and yet they are pointless.
: |Finally, I know there is going to be more then one track in the full
: |version, but including only a single crappy track in a demo is a waste of
: |time to download. If it takes 2 hours for the average home user connection
: |to get, and only one track is available, the game is not worthy of a higher
: |score.
: Aren't you supposed to be reviewing the GAME AS A WHOLE? Not the demo? The
: demo is what it says, a demo of what will be the full version, so don't say
: that the game sux and don't go buy it cause the demo has one track! And
: what other demos have all tracks in them or more than 1 in the original
: demo?
: Jesse