Dang Larry, you must be jinxed :).
I installed XP Home in Dec of 01. During my time with XP Home, I constantly
updated hardware drivers when new releases came out, I changed out the
motherboard, processor, sound card, video card, and added a second hard
drive. All of these changes were done at seperate times, not together. WPA
prompted me to re-activate 1 time during all this, and it was done in
seconds over the internet.
Upgraded to XP Pro about 5 weeks ago, which of course I had to activate,
again in seconds over the internet. I have since put another new motherboard
in, with no WPA prompts.
Not arguing with you, I believe it is a pain in the ***for a lot of honest
XP users, just saying at least for me it has not caused any problems.
Don Burnette
> Pardon my french, but HORSE-SHIT!
> I have a perfectly legal copy of Windows XP Home and the stupid
> activation process has triggered on me FIVE times so far, always at
> the worse possible time.
> Three of the five times not ONE SINGLE PIECE of hardware was changed.
> It occured after simple driver updates.
> And none of the times would it re-activate over the Internet. I had
> to call the 1-800 number and plead my case with the clerk on the
> other end of the phone. It was a total waste of my time.
> I have had friends get locked out of Office XP for no apparant reason
> (which has been documented in news stories) while on travel, and were
> unable to complete their work in time to meet deadlines.
> No one has a snowball's chance in hell of changing my mind about this
> subject. Product activation treats good customers as guilty
> criminals from the start, invades on your time, reduces or
> complicates your upgrade process, and is a general all-around pain in
> the ass.
> I done now.
> Larry
>> XP's product activation is not difficult, extremely easy (couple of
>> mouse clicks online big deal) and they actually have people on the
>> phone that you can talk to to fix things.
>>> "Uwe hoover Schuerkamp" wrote...
>>>> <snip>
>>>> I wish everybody would take Dave's advice and done
>>>> the same about Windows XP... tell Billy to stick it
>>>> up his rear and stop their invasion on user privacy.
>>>> The world (or taker culture, for that matter ;-)
>>>> would probably be a better place.
>>> Hey, I'm not big on privacy and even I haven't upgraded yet! <g>
>>> Jan.
>>> =---