higher line in 1 and 3 and drifting down very low into 2 and 4. Sort
of a late apex. Of course if you're in the high line and someone is
in your way...
I have found that softening the RF spring helps as does reducing
wedge. Am I going down JazzyJac's unconventional path here by
What really puzzles me, though, about this track/setup is that I am
just SLOW. I just got the game, but still. Against the AI at 97%,
with the Jasper setup and adding some tape, I can barely keep up with
the tail end of the pack. I made the gear a little taller and this
seems to help it suck up some.
Pointers? When I read about folks being able to go to the front from
1/2 way back in the field in 8 laps vs. the AI at 100% it makes me
want to watch a movie.
> > The push at Daytona a Talladege is a product of bank angle. The car
> > is in a certain state of lateral acceleration a a tight corner radius
> > at 33 degrees of banking. As the bank falls away the cornering
> > acceleration stays constant, but with less banking to hold the car the
> > lateral acceleration requirement from the tires shoots way up for just
> > a brief instant until the need for cornering diminishes.
> < Lots of excellent information snipped!>
> Sir,
> I do not know where you're "coming from" - but please do keep the
> information coming, as this is excellent stuff! - Very learningful too.
> Thanks!