>>Ya, that happens to me too......I've got a Sidewinder force-feedback
>>stick. Sometimes when I'm downshifting and braking, I'll let off the
>>brakes <returning the stick to the neutral point> and it'll floor the
>>accelerator and shoot me into the kitty litter! Most annoying,
>>Mark Mann
>>Miami, FL
>>On 14 Jan 1998 01:06:44 GMT, "Mikes Designs"
>>> Hi sorry if this has already been asked & I missed it. What is the problem
>>>with the revs going through the roof when you try and brake
>>> ( trail brake) before your completely off the gas? I understand that F1
>>>cant be configured in 3 axis to keep gas & brake completely separated but
>>>it doesn't happen in any other auto Sim I have. Anyone know of a fix or way
>>>to configure around this? Thanks for any help. Mike
>I get this too with my TSW - I *think* it happens most often when
>there's a bump approaching a corner. It could be dodgy pots, but it
>seems to have a vague pattern, so maybe it is a bug?
To continue this thread, I have found one of the reaons I was having so much
trouble with the uphill turn in Nurburing just before the big TV monitor was
because the car would accelerate after lifting the gas and pumping the brakes.
I initially thought it was just the car's setup, but after doing this
repeated times, it is apparent that the fault is with the game somehow. I
have the standard DM3D, T2, P166, 64MB, SB32, latest drivers for all. It is
very annoying, becuase with most problems in driving, one can adjust with some
setup tweak or another, but with this problem, there isn't anything to be
done. It is only intermittent as well, to exacerbate the solution-finding.
John Wehman