I have CART Racing on my PC and ICR2 on the Mac. The two computers each have
a Formula T2 wheel attached to them. The games play well on their own on the
two computers.
Tonight, I tried the obvious: connecting them via a null modem cable to have
a little fun with my friend. It works OK. But I have some questions about
this setup. If someone has any experience doing this, I would be grateful.
1. I cannot get this to work with the Mac hosting the race, it has to be the
PC (the Mac is joining the race hosted by the PC). And I would like to get
the Mac to host because it's a brand new G3 that's a lot faster than my
current PC (a P-266). Any ideas?
2. I can get the serial port on the PC to talk at more than 38400. I know
the serial port on the Mac supports more than that but the game menu doesn't
offer me anything else higher than 38400 for the speed of the connection.
Did someone succeed in getting the higher connection speed?
I tried to install ICR2 on the PC (instead of using the renamed CART Racing)
but it doesn't make a single difference. But you and I knew this all along.
Thanks a lot for helping me. One day, some *** companies will come out
with modern racing sims for the new superfast Macs.
Christian Gingras