Lets talk FF

Kevin Anderso

Lets talk FF

by Kevin Anderso » Sun, 28 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Are any of the "Fast" guys using FF? Or are you sticking with the traditional.

Is FF more like "eye candy" for your hands.

Has anyone had their laps times improve because of FF? stay the same? or gone slower?

Just want to get somefeedback before I buy.

Thanks in advance for any response on the subject

Kevin Anderson

#15 K_Anderson

Richard Bellavan

Lets talk FF

by Richard Bellavan » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>Are any of the "Fast" guys using FF? Or are you sticking with the =

Well, I'm probably not one of the "fastest guys", but still...

I'm *much* faster with my LWFF than I was with my Thrustmaster GP1.  Granted,
the wheel is more precise and I have split-axis now, but the FF adds another
dimension, helps me feel what the car is doing.  Spins are much easier to
prevent now, and I can tell easily if my front wheel are sliding too much
in curves.

I, for one, would not want to race without FF now.  I wonder how I did it

Oh yeah, I only play GPL and Viper Racing, so my impressions are limited to
those two.

Richard Bellavance          Enter-Net Inc.
                            Phone:  (450) 652-7189 #16
Systems Administrator/              (514) 990-1683 #16
  Analyst-Programmer        Fax:    (450) 652-6973

Peter Hoope

Lets talk FF

by Peter Hoope » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Hi Kevin,
I recently picked up a MSFF and am really pleased I did so, I don't think
you would be disappointed. I have only had limited time with it so far and
although my times in GPL are slightly down on my pre-FF times I don't think
it will be too long before I have improved. In Nascar 3 I have already gone
faster on the few tracks I have so far had a chance to run.

The FF just gives that much more feedback as to what is happening on the
track.. the main thing that I have found is a real help is that I can now
tell much quicker when the front end is losing grip and can react much
quicker accordingly.

I'm still experimaneting with the various ini file settings to get just the
right amount of feedback but it has certainly added a whole new dimension to
my racing.

The one disappointment so far has been with SCGT whose feedback seems to be
largely left for off track excursions and rumble strips, etc... very little
difference in the feel when actually on the track, at least that is what I
have found so far. Changing the steering sensitivity setting seemed to help
a little but I then found the car very difficult to handle, maybe with a
little more practice i'll get used to it though.

Hope this is of some help.

Peter Hooper

Are any of the "Fast" guys using FF? Or are you sticking with the

Is FF more like "eye candy" for your hands.

Has anyone had their laps times improve because of FF? stay the same? or
gone slower?

Just want to get somefeedback before I buy.

Thanks in advance for any response on the subject

Kevin Anderson

#15 K_Anderson
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