Hi,... First thing i want to say is that I'm just a guy looking for some
good online racing,...
Im the webmaster to the site, and If i didn't reply to your email then I
apologize, (Ive been extremely busy with the site, its around 2 weeks old,
and without registering it yet i have almost 1000 hits in a week, thats a
lot for a brand new personal page)...
I am not into this for any money... (the cjb.net URL is a free URL
director..) I am simply in for meeting online drivers and setting up online
races.... This post added another 6 members to my site, so there is my
justification for posting.... I thank those who have joined up, and I
guarantee you are in for some great online racing.
As for your browser locking up, I dont have an answer for you. I have had
emails from people using Netscape, IE4, and I have had members come on board
from AOL, so obviously the page works just fine. As for geting info from
another domain, like I said, the URL is a free redirector, so that may be
why your getting the 'info from another domain' message,..... The few
banners that are on the page are either in return for the use of a free
forum, or because of banner exchanges to promote my site,...
I have only posted to NGs that I am a member of (The folks in RASC will
attest to that) and although I do not post frequently in others, I do indeed
keep an eye on all of these NG's. And there are people on non-sim NGs that
are interested in sim racing, and the most obvious place for these people to
be is on racing sites (RASC, RASN, RASF1...)
The Major Crosspost is because I am trying to reach as many people as
possible. All of these NGs are very busy, (especailly, RASN, and RASF1) and
the posts go down the list very quickly. Thats the reason for me posting
often. I am promoting my website, nothing more. If you do not wish to join
The Racing Line, thats fine, however my posts are of just as much validity
as any others. However if you do want to join and have a good time racing
online, then by all means check us out...
To all those who have joined The Racing Line, I thank you. Our membership is
very strong and we are racing several times a week now. We are growing daily
and having a really great time, and thats all the Racing Line is about...
With that said, check the site and i'll let you be the judge,...
We'll see you at the track,...
(P.S., email me directly if you like, I just tried replying to you from this
NG, but it returned the email as an invalid email address