>(David Paul Gymer) writes:
>> However, one of the things that
>>makes the game so good is the mostly excellent AI, and it's that that
>>sucks the CPU time up as much as the GFX.
>The digital sound is a big resource hog also. I was a final beta tester
>and was told by the team that it runs (can run) up to 20% of the overhead.
Just for reference, I've tried FM sound via SB16, digital sound via
SB16, and digital sound via GUS; FM and GUS both effectively take sound
out of the speed equation. Over the weekend I've settled for no grass
or asphalt texture, most other texture on, 38 cars drawn ahead and 7
behind, 7 heard, 15 FPS minimum (18 max), and on my P90 this runs silky
smooth all the time. (VGA, obviously! SVGA still sucks!) On a DX2/66
you probably need to reduce the number of oponents to get the same
effect, but I've found that after SB digital sound, asphalt texture is
a big CPU hog. Turn it off, just leave the paint/skids on.
-- Gizmo
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