month I was thinking of upgrading. A lot of the F1C Mods are a little frame
rate unfriendly on my computer.
A7N8X Deluxe MoBo
Athlon 2200+ Thourghbred
GeForce Ti 4200 128MB AGP 4X
512 MB DDR 333 Mhz
Unfortunately my A7N8X was the first type with a top FSB of 333 Mhz not 400.
I've been looking at an Athlon 3000+ Barton Core CPU as my next upgrade.
It's presently at $235 CDN but I expect that to fall below $200 fairly soon.
I believe this will be the top end of CPU for my MotherBoard.
My first question is how much of a difference will I see for sims?
It runs at 2.17 GHz and my 2200+ is running at 1.8. That doesn't seem like
a big advantage. I realize the FSB and the Cache are bigger but still.
I wanted to go with a CPU upgrade to improve general computing as well. Not
that I do anything very CPU intensive except race sims. Still more speed is
always good. But then last night I was racing the Prototype "C" mod. (I've
turned some of the eye candy down to get respectable FPS) Things bog down
at the start but then when I was racing by my self I was trundling along
merrily in the mid-50's FPS. So I thought, "Well the CPU must still be
working on all the same cars it's just their not visible." So I'm beginning
to think my GPU is my bottleneck. For $250 CDN I can get a 9600 XT 256 MB
AGP8X (hopefully that will be going down to the $200 range in the near
future too). So now I'm thinking that might be a more efficient use of the
200 bucks. And any GPU is going to be ATI. I've always owned Nvidia and
been a total fanboy of their's in the past. But I gotta say these last 9
months have pissed me of no end and they have totally lost me.
So what's the verdict GPU or CPU?