>On the following date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 13:10:12 -0000, said person(s)
>>Okay, so LeMans 24hrs aint a realistic simulation. Apart from GPL,
>>what other racing "game" IS realistic?
>Indycar, Indycar 2, NASCAR, NASCAR 2, NASCAR 3, Sports Car GT, MGPR,
>Soda, DTR, need I go on?
>>GPL has spoiled us...
>Umm.. I don't like GPL.. so that idea is ummm... wrong.
>>But, LeMans is great fun once you sort out the calibration!
>And figure out that sex on a washing machine at full cycle really is
>pretty damn cool.
>>Forget all
>>the concentration needed for GPL,
>And take 2 Prozacs and stand upside down in your chair.
>>just go out there and drive the
>No, the above line should read...
>"Go out there and hold the joystick as if you were actually going to
>get to drive the thing"
>>Its a great blast, and the changing light as the sun moves is real
>Ohhh buddy.. I tell you.. A moving sun is THE thing I look for in a
>racing sim.
>>You get that feeling of being blinded by the low sun at dawn too!
>I can get the same effect by taking a flashlight and staring into it
>while it's on.
>>Also, you have to drive to conserve your tyres and engine, and this is
>>implemented quite well.
>LOL! Where?
>Oh, you mean when you rub against the velcro walls?
>>LeMans sure aint no sim,
>...and it sure aint no fun neither.
>>but there's a lot of
>>fun to be had without the 'hassle' of spending a year learning to drive
>>the cars!
>You are definitely the target group they were looking for.
>Let's see.. gas, brake, steering wheel.. No stop the insanity.. too
>many variables.. Paradox, Paradox, Paradox!
>>I found approx 25% sensitivity works well.
>With Trojan Gold sensitive you get about 33% more sensitivity.
>>Lol SpeedFreek
>Speedfreek, the fact remains. they should not have advertised the game
>being a sim that has the most accurate physics model "unsurpassed" by
>any other sim.
>hell, NASCAR Revolution has better physics model than this total piece
>of cow dung.
>- James "Gunslinger" Wohlever
>Techware Motorsports
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