I think it's been a good discussion. I'm not saying yuou should rake a
person over the coals (unless he intentionally wrecked you), but letting
him know how you feel is worth the effort. Since not many of us
publicize our email addresses, this is pretty much the only forum we can
use for post-race discussions about how to improve everybody's racing
Besides that, if you post something on a newsgroup, you should be
prepared for the rest of us to respond until the we feel we've beaten
the subject into an almost unrecognizable lump of michordial goo...
> As I said, it was several laps, not one lap.
> This is going a lot farther than I wanted it to. I'm not out to shoot the
> guy, for crying out loud. It was just a situation I felt should be
> discussed because it messed up several drivers, and IMHO was not very
> courteous.
> On to the next race.
> -Larry
> > > Again, the speed difference was enourmous. Not just a little. The car
> was
> > > causing a serious parking lot behind him.
> > > This is not being courteous. Everyone always talks about being
> courteous in
> > > these situations, so let's make it so.
> > > And it was NOT John.
> > > I think the discussion about the situation is far more important than
> who it
> > > was, that's why I didn't mention a name.
> > Larry, many times, someone can get out of shape in one turn and be back
> > up to speed in the next. If you can tell me preciesly which laps and
> > the car number that was holding everyone up, I can go back and look at
> > the replay to offer a more informed opinion.
> > That late in the race, you're bound to be pinned behind a slower car
> > (slower because they're damaged or on old tires). You have to be
> > *patient* and wait for an opening.
> > You can't count on anyone changing their driving style unless you call
> > them out and clearly identify the problem to them (and try not to***
> > them off). Further, you should wait until AFTER the race to speak with
> > them about it. Even then, you should still assume that they have no
> > intention of changing their driving style, and you shoud therefore
> > continue to exercise some patience.
> > --
> > =========================================================
> > DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
> > http://www.racesimcentral.net/
DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 and 2002 Season (in development)
Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
Barbarian Diecast Collector (460+ cars and counting)
If you want to send me email, go to the first URL shown
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