Is there an In-Car view in Pod? I thought it was all outside?
And how do you get framerates for the above games?
I found out ho with Moto Racer, but I wasn't aware of a way to get
framerates for F1RS and POD.
Is there an In-Car view in Pod? I thought it was all outside?
And how do you get framerates for the above games?
I found out ho with Moto Racer, but I wasn't aware of a way to get
framerates for F1RS and POD.
I don't know if I'll wait that long. If I were to buy a M3D now it
would be for compatibility and stability purposes, not image quality
or speed.
>>I think it does, if you compare framerates against pod, F1RS loses quite a few.
>>Also when viewed from behind the car it is a bit quicker.
>Is there an In-Car view in Pod? I thought it was all outside?
Don't know, I've been using my own guestimates
I dont think you can...
(Below isn't directed at you personally, but for anyone who might not understand
what the hell I'm going on about)
I was just saying that in my opinion there was a reduction in F1RS framerate
compared to POD. This isn't a bad thing just something that seems to happen.
I'm just questioning whether the framerate drop is because of the***pit view
(which I am grateful for) or not and if it were the***pit view would it be
less on a Rendition V2200 card.
I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to understand. As far as I'm concerned the
F1RS***pit view framerate is quite good.
The Voodoo is king for 3D games, but is it possible that the V2200 is actually
the better card for***pit view racing sims? Thats all I'm trying to find out.
Because if it is, then I'd stick one beside my Voodoo.
>> >snip
>> >> As much as I'd like a Voodoo2 it will be some time before I get one because the
>> >> initial price in Australia will be to rich for me. I'm hoping that the V2200
>> >> will be better in D3D for racing sims that use a***pit than the Voodoo
>> >> currently is. I base this on the performance hit that CPR had when turning
>> >> on/off the***pit.
>> >If this would be a big problem with the Voodoo why doesn't it show in
>> >F1RS?
>> I think it does, if you compare framerates against pod, F1RS loses quite a few.
>> Also when viewed from behind the car it is a bit quicker.
>You're comparing frame rates of arcade and sim!? There are quite a few
>cpu cycles spent on car physics, you know?
Well if there wasn't a***pit view, I'm pretty confident I'd be driving GP2 :)
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
FUD, FUD and more FUD.
Btw, I'm picking up a Monster 3D second-hand for just $75. Couldn't
resist the price and at least it will let me run F1RS and see whether
its significantly better with the 3DFX. I have no interest in
promoting Riva, but the VoodooZealots definitely seem to feel
threatened enough by it to make it the single "board to bash" of
Randy Magruder
Contributing Reviewer
Digital Sportspage
>Oh yeah, I'm cryin' now. Do you really want me to go and scare up all
>the other benchmarks that show the Riva winning? What would that
>>The Riva isn't any competition to a 3DFX card.
What the *** does that mean Mr.***wad?
Oh..namecalling. How scary. I bet you stayed up all night thinking
up that name for me. Yes, you succeeded. Your childish namecalling
has scared me into silence, because I'm just so incredibly awed by the
intellect that could come up with the clever tactic of namecalling.
Randy Magruder
Contributing Reviewer
Digital Sportspage
> >You would be comparing an AGP Riva to a PCI Voodoo if you did that so
> >it wouldn't be valid anyway.
> Where can I get an AGP voodoo?
> >>FUD, FUD and more FUD.
> >What the *** does that mean Mr.***wad?
> Oh..namecalling. How scary. I bet you stayed up all night thinking
> up that name for me. Yes, you succeeded. Your childish namecalling
> has scared me into silence, because I'm just so incredibly awed by the
> intellect that could come up with the clever tactic of namecalling.
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!
On Mon, 02 Feb 1998 13:38:35 +0100, Ronald Stoehr
Premature test...
Keep in mind that the RIVA 128 doesn't even have a BETA Open GL driver
available yet!!!! So this comparison is between a card that's been on the
market for over a year, and had plenty of time to have the kinks worked out,
and a card that's new to the market...
There will be a BETA Open GL driver available in a week or two, so
hopefully Tom's site will do another review at that time.
Don't count the RIVA out yet!
Ooops...shit Tom did a review of Voodoo 2....oops....hehehehe.
Can you say real real real fast.......oooooh I think you can....
Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Pink Flamingo Pilot...