> : : : >: How come that if I take of steering help in f1gp the car is totally
> : : : >: uncontrollable? How can I correct it?
> : : : I just want to say that, without all the steering and traction help, you
> : : : are simulating a real F1 car, don't ever think that driving the real
> : : : thing is easy, not that I ever had myself.
> : : I just want to say, don't ever think that it is that hard to drive a real
> : : F1 car. Do you honestly think that just breathing on the steering wheel
> : : will cause the car to do an instantaneous 90 degree turn. Driving F1GP
> : : with a joystick and SA off is the most UNrealistic experience that was
> : : ever written for the PC (unless you count driving flat out through the
> : : turn 11 sickane at Australia in ICR).
> : : Please don't post that ***about a joystick not being a steering wheel.
> : : wheel 2 degrees does not equal 90 degrees of turning ability.
> : I think you're right here, watching the Canadian GP yesterday Jacques
> : Villeneuve's steering wheel was all over the place on some of the bumpy
> : corners, and he wasn't spinning out.
> I don't use steering help or traction control and do just fine (I use
> CH Pro pedals and Yoke). You basically have to forget about emulating those
> hot laps, which were done using the keyboard with steering help and traction
> on. So it's a case of more wing. What I've had to do is use GPEditor to
> massage the AI car parameters otherwise they rocket off into the wild blue
> yonder (if they don't take you out first that is). I'll send you some of my
> setups if you like.
Erratic control is one reason I never used F1GP with out steering help. A VERY
SMALL amount of joystick movement (based on the percentage of total usable
resistance range in the pot) was all that was needed to turn the front wheels
to full lock to either side. This was not a flaw in the joystick or the game
port as EVERY other program that I used the stick for worked well. Calibration
settings in the game and gameport compensation changes did not cure the
problem. It was truely undrivable and unrealistic with steering help off.
That was one reason I boxed the game after ICR came out.
The arguement that the steering accurately models a real F1 car's steering is
not valid. An F1 car at low speed is very precisely controllable. (Analog
steering does not act like a switch.) The steering problem in F1GP was just
as severe at low speed as high. Something was definately not right.
I suspect an oversight in the calibration/gameport or steering routines
caused the problem for many users. There is no other explanation as to why
the steering quickly went to full lock before the limits in the joystick
potentiometer were reached.
I would bet F1GP2 will have no such problems when it is released.