GPL and fails. Even new sims that in future may use the GPL engine will not
be as good. The physics can go to hell- it's about the cars that are being
simulated. The physics model merely gives the ability to get a good feel of
the car you're driving. You could come close with early 50s maybe, but no
other era of F1 produced quite the cars of the mid to late 60s: loads of
power, minimal grip, soft suspension (relatively) and tortous circuits.
Try as they may, no-one will ever better GPL for pure feel unless they do
the '67 (or maybe '68) season again (and let us have the McLaren-BRM as well
as the other cars).
Yes, I am pleased cos I've set a new PB, and wish to reaffirm my commitment
to GPL after being on holiday- It's good to be back in the GPL appreciation
I shall now duck and take cover.