> On N2, I have this weird problem where at Rockingham, after the green flag
> is waved all the cars accelerate at the same pace as me, but as soon as
> they reach the first turn they all brake suddenly and I slam into the back
> on them. This always knocks me out of the race, and it's very annoying.
> Any patches or ways to fix this? Thanks
> --
> Sam Johnson
> NASCAR fan
> Car person
> Need for Speed expert
> Please get rid of the NOSPAM in my email address to reply
> Go #3, #31, #16, #18, #33
This happens at many tracks. There's no easy fix (fixing it yourself
that is), but soon, we hope others that are smarter than us will
continue to devise improved AI programs that reduce this tendency, and
eventually get Rockingham. For now... be ready for the slow down and
"go with the flow" of the traffic during the start. Hey, you can't win
it on the first lap anyway, right? If worse comes to worse, and you
cause a huge pile up, you can hit the "shift/R" keys and get an instant
restart. Saves time. Have fun...
God Bless,