Hi fellow racers,
for the last 2.5 years I have been quite happy with the performance of
my T2 wheel, but recently my left shoulder joint has begun to hurt
like mad on occasion. I don't consider myself an excessive sim ***,
say 30-40 mins per day icr2/gp2/f1rs/mgprs2/gpl action combined on
average, whatever sim I choose to drive in, and sometimes there's a
week or a couple of days in which I do not drive at all.
Before that I played F1GP on my Amiga quite often using a joystick, so
my question is if anyone here has had the same experience damaging
their left shoulders from sim racing (I use my left hand to steer and
the right for changing gears). Is this the source of shoulder trouble
or should I go looking elswhere?
Thanks in advance for your comments,
Spam-proof e-mail: Uwe Schuerkamp <hoover at telemedia . de>
http://www.racesimcentral.net/~hoover ////// Phone: +49-5241-80-10-66
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