Tickets for this year's Sears Point Winston Cup race are indeed available
from the Sears Box office, or at the gate on "race day." Of course, the
best "reserved seating" is sold out......but that will barely detract from
the enjoyment of seeing 40 some odd, 3500 lb WC, fire-eating V-8 monsters
rip off 98 mph a great road course.
There's also excellent "support" races going on all weekend....including the
Winston West race on Saturday.....worth the price of admission all in itself
(many WW drivers will run Sears Point...a road course of the utmost
difficulty.....for the very first time.....its fun to watch them struggle as
rookies road course drivers). Sears Point management spent millions of
dollars re-designing the hillsides and installed terraced seating (go to the
Sears Point website and check out the can pick up ticket
information as well).....something very innovative that the rest of the
"racing world" is watching. Essentially, Sears Point is now a "stadium road
course".....and you can view the cars from virtually anywhere around the 2
mile road course....for more than 90% of a single lap. Add in the great
"people watching"......and the famous California girls (who will be
especially fun this year since race-day temps are expected to be in the
90's....!!!!)....and you won't regret making the two hour drive up from San
Traffic? Well, can you name any major sporting event worth seeing in person
where you can just buzz in and buzz out a ticket holder not a
"team owner?" I doubt it. The traffic flow at Sears has been vastly
improved over years past....with the addition of a "third" entry road into
the facility from the famous WC Chute end of the track. And, people
watching during traffic congestion on ingress and egress....well, that's
part of the fun of being at the live event.....isn't it? On "race
day"....try to arrive at the Sears Point area before 10 am......9 am would
be even better and you can virtually drive right in and park (since most
people stay at the track overnight....and they are already there). The race
will be over around 3:00 pm (going from memory.....haven't seen this year's
schedule quite yet)....and you'll be clear of the Sears Point traffic area
by 4:00 sweat.
I hope you decide to go to this race.....because I know for sure you won't
regret it.
Tom Pabst