Outbraking is great when it can be pulled off cleanly. But how many times
have you and the driver you're trying to pass ended up in the wall because you
washed up the slightest bit and the other guy came down, not expecting you to
be there?
If I go into a corner, commiting myself to the lower line and my spotter
starts yelling about somebody inside one nanosecond before I hit him, I don't
feel the least bit apologetic about spinning him. This never happens to me
when someone is coming up on me fast because, unlike a lot of people online, I
do pay attention to my mirrors. But if he has been following me for three or
four laps and our cars are pretty evenly matched and then all of a sudden
decides he's going to dive in there under me, well, I hope he has good
Dave Casey
Casey#9 (NASCAR Racing 4)