N4 mood online

Gerald Moo

N4 mood online

by Gerald Moo » Wed, 08 Aug 2001 06:13:45

Yeah, I have seen this too.  What really burns me is when you signal
them repeatedly and well in advance about which side pass on and they
dive the other way!  Grrr... LPI takes another hit...


> (This is from a VROC point of view - I haven't run N4 online yet)
> Problem is, sometimes the faster drivers are WORSE.  They *** at you for
> being in THEIR way.  Like the slower cars are supposed to part like the Red Sea
> just to let them through.  Even though the reason they're behind you in the
> first place is they fell off the track somewhere, and you DIDN'T.

> Eldred

Joachim Trens

N4 mood online

by Joachim Trens » Wed, 08 Aug 2001 06:30:28

Hi Gerald,

for me a wrecker is someone who intentionally takes out other cars with a
brute force attack for no other purpose than to wreck that other car. This
_ex_cludes all racing indicents and even bad hard racing with minor bumps.
Hard racing if it leads to crashes is simply bad racing, but not wrecking.


> How exactly are they fielding complaints?  I am really leary of folks
> rushing to judgment about stuff that isn't anything other than good
> hard racing.

> I know a wrecker when I see one... some things are pretty obvious.
> Like folks driving sharply up off the apron going 90 mph on the
> backstretch at Daytona right in front of the lead pack.  That's pretty
> obvious.  Something should and MUST be done about drivers who do
> things like this.

> Other things are a pretty much a toss up.  RacerA is headed for the
> turn with RacerB just alongside his rear fender.  By all rights,
> RacerA has the line, but if he comes down to take it and RacerB
> doesn't back off, there will be an "incident".  Is RacerA a wrecker if
> he takes his line?  Is RacerB a wrecker for forcing the issue?
> Depending on who you ask, what lap of the race it happened, who had
> the faster car, whether or not on or both the drivers are Jimmy
> Spencer, who was higher in the championship points, etc., you will get
> different answers, at least when you're talking stock cars.
> Personally, I dont want anyone other than me and the other driver
> involved in resolving these type situations.

> I know they're well intentioned, so at least you can praise em for
> wanting to make it better for us.

> Any place with concrete information about how and where this will be
> enforced?

> Gerald Moore

- Show quoted text -

Joachim Trens

N4 mood online

by Joachim Trens » Wed, 08 Aug 2001 06:36:04

I've been racing in larger groups online for 4 years. No matter where you
go, you'll hear the same arguments, the same failure to acknowledge one's
own mistakes, and the fact that usually, in each incident or accident most
of those involved share the responsibility to some extent.

The difference is just in how civilized a manner the arguments are

Today, whenever somebody accuses me, I check whether he's got the facts
right and if so, I apologize, and I mean it. If not, I don't even bother to
discuss. It's just a waste of time.


> I find it absolutely amazing what some people have programmed into

> while they should be trying to finish running the race......cheesh

> DB

> (Don't gimme NO***in E-mail)


N4 mood online

by REDLINE42 » Wed, 08 Aug 2001 08:27:02


R.I.P. - William Joseph Dunlop OBE MBE  2/25/52 - 7/2/2000


N4 mood online

by GBB » Wed, 08 Aug 2001 10:07:06

I agree wrecking is quite different from just plain bad driving.

But there is another class of wrecker, the competent driver that turns round
and tries to take everyone out when things don't go his way. I was racing
today at Indy I was out qualified by nearly half a second by a driver
calling himself  No_Grip on the warm-up lap he told everyone to take it easy
and keep it clean, I passed him on the first lap and started to pull out a
gap then he lost it all on his own and span. He then decided to turn from a
quick driver that seemed sensible into an idiot wrecker spinning round on
the track and trying to take people out.

To me this is an under class of scum even lower than your run of the mill
wrecker, I can sort of understand some kid that doesn't have the patience to
learn to drive a sim like N4 getting his kicks by wrecking, but people that
have put in the practice to be very quick and then do that.... I just don't
get it


> Hi Gerald,

> for me a wrecker is someone who intentionally takes out other cars with a
> brute force attack for no other purpose than to wreck that other car. This
> _ex_cludes all racing indicents and even bad hard racing with minor bumps.
> Hard racing if it leads to crashes is simply bad racing, but not wrecking.

> Achim

> > How exactly are they fielding complaints?  I am really leary of folks
> > rushing to judgment about stuff that isn't anything other than good
> > hard racing.

> > I know a wrecker when I see one... some things are pretty obvious.
> > Like folks driving sharply up off the apron going 90 mph on the
> > backstretch at Daytona right in front of the lead pack.  That's pretty
> > obvious.  Something should and MUST be done about drivers who do
> > things like this.

> > Other things are a pretty much a toss up.  RacerA is headed for the
> > turn with RacerB just alongside his rear fender.  By all rights,
> > RacerA has the line, but if he comes down to take it and RacerB
> > doesn't back off, there will be an "incident".  Is RacerA a wrecker if
> > he takes his line?  Is RacerB a wrecker for forcing the issue?
> > Depending on who you ask, what lap of the race it happened, who had
> > the faster car, whether or not on or both the drivers are Jimmy
> > Spencer, who was higher in the championship points, etc., you will get
> > different answers, at least when you're talking stock cars.
> > Personally, I dont want anyone other than me and the other driver
> > involved in resolving these type situations.

> > I know they're well intentioned, so at least you can praise em for
> > wanting to make it better for us.

> > Any place with concrete information about how and where this will be
> > enforced?

> > Gerald Moore

> > > Hi Gerald,

> > > with Papy's no-wrecker-tolerance policy, the driving on the tracks has
> > > become better, but there are more discussions in the chat.

> > > Achim

Mike G. Mai

N4 mood online

by Mike G. Mai » Wed, 08 Aug 2001 15:39:25

maybe he lost grip with reality? <G>
Thom j

N4 mood online

by Thom j » Wed, 08 Aug 2001 23:22:37

Is there any "reality" in the wacky world of "sim-land"? :)

| maybe he lost grip with reality? <G>

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Dave Cas

N4 mood online

by Dave Cas » Mon, 13 Aug 2001 19:25:14

I hate to say this but I don't think RacerA has the line at all.  Until you
hear you spotter say "Clear" you don't have that line.  Why should RacerB be
forced to lift, just because you want to cut down on him?

Dave Casey
Casey#9 (NASCAR Racing 4)

Jan Verschuere

N4 mood online

by Jan Verschuere » Mon, 13 Aug 2001 21:11:09

Why should RacerA run high, just because RacerB has a front bumper
alongside? -The original poster merely wanted to point out it's debatable.

Personally, I'll back out of a move if I'm not "mostly" alongside, as I
haven't seen the AI extend the same level of courtesy my spotter expects of

Can't possibly comment on the online racing as I haven't done any, but,
again: personally, I wouldn't press the issue either way unless something
was "at stake" in the closing laps of a race.

"Pay attention when I'm talking to you boy!" -Foghorn Leghorn.

Thom j

N4 mood online

by Thom j » Tue, 14 Aug 2001 03:17:06

Hell just yesterday he tells me about an accident that I just passed 30secs
before... The stupid spotter.. phew.. :)

| I hate to say this but I don't think RacerA has the line at all.  Until
| hear you spotter say "Clear" you don't have that line.  Why should RacerB
| forced to lift, just because you want to cut down on him?
| Dave Casey
| Casey#9 (NASCAR Racing 4)

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Gerald Moo

N4 mood online

by Gerald Moo » Wed, 15 Aug 2001 21:36:23

So THAT's where we hired that guy from...


> online!
> Hell just yesterday he tells me about an accident that I just passed 30secs
> before... The stupid spotter.. phew.. :)

> | I hate to say this but I don't think RacerA has the line at all.  Until
>  you
> | hear you spotter say "Clear" you don't have that line.  Why should RacerB
>  be
> | forced to lift, just because you want to cut down on him?
> |
> |
> | Dave Casey
> | Casey#9 (NASCAR Racing 4)
> |
> |
> |

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Thom j

N4 mood online

by Thom j » Thu, 16 Aug 2001 04:08:26

Gerald, You hired my old spotter? Toss that sucker out now!! :)

| So THAT's where we hired that guy from...
| Gerald

| > online!
| > Hell just yesterday he tells me about an accident that I just passed
| > before... The stupid spotter.. phew.. :)

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N4 mood online

by Larr » Sun, 19 Aug 2001 19:04:56

Getting that fender in there is how the big boys make their passes...



N4 mood online

by Larr » Sun, 19 Aug 2001 19:04:19

Dave makes a good point.

The "you ain't got THAT much of a fender on me, so I'm cutting down" crowd
are what cause the majority of wrecks in N4.

The spotter lag doesn't help.


Gerald Moo

N4 mood online

by Gerald Moo » Wed, 22 Aug 2001 05:32:15

I still think it is debatable.  You could just as well say it's the
fault of the "HA! I am six inches into your rear quarter, so the line
is mine!" crowd that are to blame.

Let's face it, on our tiny little mirrors on our tiny little monitors,
six inches or even two feet isn't very many pixels... especially if
you are mostly concentrating on the road ahead, as you should.  If
RacerA does come down on RacerB in this situation, it is probably at
least as much B's fault as A's.

Sometimes the only way to beat someone is to outbrake them into the
corner, though, so you gotta do what you gotta do...  I've done it...

Gerald Moore

> Dave makes a good point.

> The "you ain't got THAT much of a fender on me, so I'm cutting down" crowd
> are what cause the majority of wrecks in N4.

> The spotter lag doesn't help.

> -Larry

> > >Other things are a pretty much a toss up.  RacerA is headed for the
> > >turn with RacerB just alongside his rear fender.  By all rights,
> > >RacerA has the line, but if he comes down to take it and RacerB

> > I hate to say this but I don't think RacerA has the line at all.  Until
>  you
> > hear you spotter say "Clear" you don't have that line.  Why should RacerB
>  be
> > forced to lift, just because you want to cut down on him?

> > Dave Casey
> > Casey#9 (NASCAR Racing 4)
> >
> >
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