Now I'm sure that Jim Clark and Graham Hill were really talented guy
backthere in '67.
As I fired up GPL and went for an AI race (I was practicing for some
event where we had
to use default setups) at Glen. I did low 1:05.97 in quals with default
setup and on full fuel
load. I was pretty satisfied. But then a shock as I returned back to the
garage !!
The pole position time was 1:02.26 done by Mr. Clark with Mr. Hill
following him at 1:02.27sec
There was also a BRM in 1:02.6x and Brabham in 1:02.4x.
Ok, I thought...let's try this out :)
Started from the back of the pack I had a brilliant start and got from
10th place to 6th out of T3.
Then everything went fine through T4 but accelerating out of it (I had a
good line) looked like
I would only be feeding some 50% throttle. BRM and some others just blew
me on the straight ! :(
I was on Lotus btw. :) I was blocking off the usual backmarkers as hell
until I made a mistake unser instant pressure for 3 laps and in T4 spun
out on lap4. I never seen the AI's from then onwards....
The end of the race saw winning Jim Clark with fast lap of 1:02.37 !!
I think there should be some reality in Global Hype Scaling System ....
I mean, who can do those times ? :o)
Maybe if I attached wings to Lotti, hehe....
Weird is all I can say....
Tadej Krevh
Lotus Internet Racing