As Don said, either card will run N3 very well since it supports both Glide
[3dfx] and D3D [TNT2 and other cards]. However, for most folks, GPL runs
best on Voodoo boards such as the Voodoo3. However, if you have a fast
machine by getting the beta OpenGL rasterizer (which, just so you know, is
NOT a "fix" in any manner. Rather its an additional "driver" for a
different 3D API. However, its also not officially supported either) and
you should have no graphics slowdown or problems with exception of the
mirror situation.
Both cards are great for N3. Voodoo3 is better for most people for GPL.
However, the Voodoo3 does NOT "blow" away the TNT2 either.
> On 12 Sep 1999 00:54:28 GMT,
> >since GPL runs under 3dfx does that mean
> >that the Voodoo 3-3000 card has a big performance edge over the TNT2
ultra when
> >running GPL?
> The TNT2 won't run 3DFX. You will either have to use software
> mode or get the 'fix' that allows GPL, to run not so well on TNT2.
> If GPL is a favorite of yours, the Voodoo3 will blow away the TNT2.
> --
> * rrevved at mindspring dot com
> * unit.26 s.p.u.t.u.m.
> *