mode so you cant really judge it fairly yet ... have to wait another week
for the game to come out ... then we should see some more on how realistic
it is ....
Asides from better graphics, it appears to be a simple port and for the
serious simmer, probably not worth the money...although if there were to
put a paintshop in it, I might buy it just for capturing screenshots.
Hmm...I wonder what my #15 Wendy's Chevrolet Monte Carlo would look with
light reflections during the night race at Bristol. <G>
Sure, why not. Most of us that gripe about it's arcadishness will plunk
down the $30 bucks anyway, no matter what we say here :)
It does have a certain fun-factor, and the graphics are peachy as well
as the sound. It should be intertainging.
But, it is _not_ a sim.