wheel and a TM Sprint wheel. So I tired it 2am last night but it did
appear to change anything in any great manner but it was also 2am
In DXTweak it tells you your raw settings. Mine are +/-x=0-1024
+/-y=0-1024 but z was/is +/-z=0-255 {z is my gas!}
In the other settings x,y,z were all 0-1024.. I changed z to 0-255
Is this right? If so I did this went into both N4 & GPL and I saw
*no* real change in my steering with my low steer lock!
Finally does DXTweak have to be in a special place 'i.e. Win98
{my Windows98 folder}Win98\system or Win98\command? as
I do not have it in any of these places and what happens when I
re-boot? Do the dead zone values go back to the default 5% as
they were 5% for x-y when I first opened DXTweak' and I did
change them to 0... Again all help is appreciated!! Tia Thom_j.
| >
| > Also when I use many of the hot-setups
| > and have to use my low steer lock I have a wobble in the turns
| > that feel likes it grabs-relaxes grabs-relaxes etc all thru the turn
| Unless I'm mis-interpreting you here (not impossible for me!), it sure
| sounds like you have a large deadzone. I think default is 5%, IIRC.
| Yes, try DXTweak & see how you fare then. I set my deadzones to 0.
| --
| Fester