F1 2000 - ho -hum


F1 2000 - ho -hum

by Novan » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

One thing to be sure to do, if you haven't already, is to enable
mip-mapping.  Edit your player file in notepad and change MIPMap=0 to


Don Burnett

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by Don Burnett » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Thanks for the feedback Allison. I've been waivering on the fence since it
was released, but after reading our thoughts I'm going to go ahead and give
it a try.

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends


Iain Mackenzi

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by Iain Mackenzi » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I knew this was going to happen as soon as Alison contributed! It's all part
of the 'GPL is God' syndrome which pervades this group. Alison (and no
disrespect is intended to her) is regarded almost as deity on this group
purely because of her GPL site.
Don't take it personally, although I'm sure you won't.

> > Thanks for the feedback Allison. I've been waivering on the fence since
> > was released, but after reading our thoughts I'm going to go ahead and
> > it a try.

> What the heck, Don?  My opinion isn't
> good enough for you? :)

> --
> Pat Dotson
> IMPACT Motorsports

Gregor Vebl

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by Gregor Vebl » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

> Pat,
> I knew this was going to happen as soon as Alison contributed! It's all part
> of the 'GPL is God' syndrome which pervades this group. Alison (and no
> disrespect is intended to her) is regarded almost as deity on this group
> purely because of her GPL site.
> Don't take it personally, although I'm sure you won't.
> Iain

I would just like to say that Alison's contributions to the sim
community exceed the involvement with GPL. There are plenty of other
things on her side, too, and I am sure you checked them out. It's not
merely because of her GPL contributions, although these are responsible
for me checking her site in the first place, but her spirit that makes
me appreciate her opinion.

I also know it may seem that GPL is being blindly followed in this
newsgroup, and perhaps this may even be true to some extent. But the
(sad ?) truth is that there has yet to be a sim that will top GPL, not
only in realism but also immersion and multiplayer.


David Kar

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by David Kar » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Um. . . counting down the thread since Alison posted, I see two people who's
opinions seem to have been partly swayed.  Hardly an avalanche.

I think it's more a reflection of the fact that many here consider AH to be
rather level-headed about the whole thing.  She doesn't get involved in the
GPL wars in this ng.


> Pat,
> I knew this was going to happen as soon as Alison contributed! It's all
> of the 'GPL is God' syndrome which pervades this group. Alison (and no
> disrespect is intended to her) is regarded almost as deity on this group
> purely because of her GPL site.
> Don't take it personally, although I'm sure you won't.
> Iain

> > > Thanks for the feedback Allison. I've been waivering on the fence
> it
> > > was released, but after reading our thoughts I'm going to go ahead and
> give
> > > it a try.

> > What the heck, Don?  My opinion isn't
> > good enough for you? :)

> > --
> > Pat Dotson
> > IMPACT Motorsports
> >

Iain Mackenzi

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by Iain Mackenzi » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

That's a matter of opinion. GPL is a fantastic sim which I have played since
its release, but there is life outside it, and F12K is an excellent
representation of modern F1 racing.

> > Pat,
> > I knew this was going to happen as soon as Alison contributed! It's all
> > of the 'GPL is God' syndrome which pervades this group. Alison (and no
> > disrespect is intended to her) is regarded almost as deity on this group
> > purely because of her GPL site.
> > Don't take it personally, although I'm sure you won't.
> > Iain

> I would just like to say that Alison's contributions to the sim
> community exceed the involvement with GPL. There are plenty of other
> things on her side, too, and I am sure you checked them out. It's not
> merely because of her GPL contributions, although these are responsible
> for me checking her site in the first place, but her spirit that makes
> me appreciate her opinion.

> I also know it may seem that GPL is being blindly followed in this
> newsgroup, and perhaps this may even be true to some extent. But the
> (sad ?) truth is that there has yet to be a sim that will top GPL, not
> only in realism but also immersion and multiplayer.

> -Gregor

Iain Mackenzi

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by Iain Mackenzi » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I'm glad somebody is!

Doug Gordo

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by Doug Gordo » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

As I wrote in a separate post, I just realized that my BIOS was
recently reset to 66MHz instead of 100MHz, meaning that I've been
losing at least 33% of my CPU & memory performance. I knew that a 600
shouldn't be performing like this!

  Doug Gordon

Sent via
Before you buy.

Pat Dotso

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by Pat Dotso » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

N3 has never worked for me online.  I would still
play it a little bit if it did.  It's so out-dated
now though in terms of the physics model that it's
just not fun anymore.  It literally puts me
to sleep. :)

I've always been more of an open wheel guy, but
for a long time N2 was where the online action was
at, and my competitive nature got the best of me :)
Road courses have always been more interesting,
though, and GPL online has ruined N2/N3 for me.

If N4 turns out to be good, I may be back :)

> Btw, you ever race Nascar anymore Pat or just an open wheel guy now?

> --
> Don Burnette

> > What the heck, Don?  My opinion isn't
> > good enough for you? :)

> > --
> > Pat Dotson
> > IMPACT Motorsports
> >

Pat Dotson
IMPACT Motorsports

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by rrevve » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

>I agree- it's fun. But I have a few issues:

>1- No weather!

Like GPL?

Like GPL?

Like GPL?

* rrev at mindspring dot com *


F1 2000 - ho -hum

by rrevve » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

>>Even at this setting, in 800x600, the graphics have a sort of jaggy,
>>shimmering effect that is very annoying to me. The sounds, especially
>>in a race, are also a real joke.

>One thing to be sure to do, if you haven't already, is to enable
>mip-mapping.  Edit your player file in notepad and change MIPMap=0 to

If you do that, on a 3dfx card, your graphics will become
blurry, and FPS will be slower.

* rrev at mindspring dot com *

Don Burnett

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by Don Burnett » Thu, 06 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Umm,  errr, yeah of course it is!!!
Lol, Allison's comments just sealed the deal for me.

Btw, you ever race Nascar anymore Pat or just an open wheel guy now?

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends

> > Thanks for the feedback Allison. I've been waivering on the fence since
> > was released, but after reading our thoughts I'm going to go ahead and
> > it a try.

> What the heck, Don?  My opinion isn't
> good enough for you? :)

> --
> Pat Dotson
> IMPACT Motorsports

Don Burnett

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by Don Burnett » Thu, 06 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Whoa there big fella :)
I have the utmost respect for both Pat and Allison, and value both of their
opinions greatly.
I don't regard Alison as a deity, mainy cause I'm just a country boy and
don't know what that means - but - I do know of the efforts she has put in
to the sim racing community, and know from reading her reviews in the past
she is very honest and forthcoming about them, good or bad.

Btw, Pat's comments already had me calling the stores for stock, Alison's
got me to hit speed dial :)

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends

> Pat,
> I knew this was going to happen as soon as Alison contributed! It's all
> of the 'GPL is God' syndrome which pervades this group. Alison (and no
> disrespect is intended to her) is regarded almost as deity on this group
> purely because of her GPL site.
> Don't take it personally, although I'm sure you won't.
> Iain

> > > Thanks for the feedback Allison. I've been waivering on the fence
> it
> > > was released, but after reading our thoughts I'm going to go ahead and
> give
> > > it a try.

> > What the heck, Don?  My opinion isn't
> > good enough for you? :)

> > --
> > Pat Dotson
> > IMPACT Motorsports
> >

Iain Mackenzi

F1 2000 - ho -hum

by Iain Mackenzi » Thu, 06 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I agree, it's much better without mipmap on. I guess that's why it's not an
option in the menus.

> >>Even at this setting, in 800x600, the graphics have a sort of jaggy,
> >>shimmering effect that is very annoying to me. The sounds, especially
> >>in a race, are also a real joke.

> >One thing to be sure to do, if you haven't already, is to enable
> >mip-mapping.  Edit your player file in notepad and change MIPMap=0 to
> >MIPMap=1.

> If you do that, on a 3dfx card, your graphics will become
> blurry, and FPS will be slower.

> --
> * rrev at mindspring dot com * is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.