No one can accuse you of not having a sense of humor, JS.
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> No one can accuse you of not having a sense of humor, JS.
Since some folks (with a lot less sense of humor than I have) thought
I was enjoying the nickname "Adolf" just a little too much, I had
already adopted the nickname "El Supremo", so it seemed a fitting
name for the server. :)
> > If you were on the RASCAR roster as of Bristol, you can use the
> > JUNTACAR server to practice online.
> Hey, El Supremo!, I feel another copyright war looming up :)
> I gave you credit in the preceding reply. :)
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I take one trip to Goodwood and all of a sudden "all hell" is loose :o)))
$10 says Petter Solberg wins the 2003 WRC
However, John liked the name and with a classic twist of irony adopted it
for his own new rival series and christened himself El-Supremo to boot...
All clear now, Ed <G>
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> > Pardon me for asking but, whats Juntacar then?
> Juntacar actually referred to the perceived (at the time) coup of the
> leadership of Rascar. I.e. replacing one dictatorial non democratic group
> with another. Whether that perception is right or wrong isn't important
> now - things have moved on.
> However, John liked the name and with a classic twist of irony adopted it
> for his own new rival series and christened himself El-Supremo to boot...
> All clear now, Ed <G>
Still no info on *what* it is tho...
- Race what?
- Where?
- And for how long?
- Rules?
- Roster?
That was the kind of information I was looking for.... I all ready knew it
would be "the fourth reich"! <vbg>
LOL ;o)
Well, it's not a league. It's just a server that happens to use a
version of the RASCAR invite file that's a few weeks out of date.
The rules are pretty simple - drive like you have at least half a
brain, and don't***me off.