>>I'm considering buying a new Pentium system soon. I'm not sure whether I
>>should invest the few extra dollars in higher processor speed or more
>>memory. I'm considering either a P-90 with 16 MB RAM or a P-120 with 8
>>MB RAM. I play both World Circuit and IndyCar (and, soon, their
>>respective updates). Which system would give me the best performance for
>>these games?
>I would invest some extra dollars in a svga graphic card with at least
>2 MB VRAM. Seems to me more important than the processor speed or RAM. I run a
>P75 with 8 MB, and changing the graphics card improved the performance quite
>remarkably. So : p-90 w/8MB and an Graphics board with > 2MB VRAM
I think 8meg RAM will soon start to look inadequate. I'd go for a P90,
16meg RAM, VRAM-based PCI video card. (More RAM equals nice things like
disk caches, ramdisks, etc.; I've got 24 meg and I have a massive
RAMdisk setup up to log data to from GPPerf & friends. NASCAR and
Indycar also benefit from being able to save long replays; NASCAR on an
8meg machine typically seems to only be able to save a few minuts of
All IMHO, of course.
-- Gizmo
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