share it all with you guys.
This replay showing how racing side-by-side can be done with success.... it
also show some of the pitfalls you can fall into - such as a small tiny warp
in my case...
The race showed that things get hectic at the end and even mtho people have
raced cleanly for 18 laps - much can change once you get close to the end.
This is a N2002 v. replay from Talladega. It's taken from a 19laps
'6-10' pick-up race with fixed setups. File size is 8.8mb zipped.
"See and learn"
(To my "defense": I experienced some muscle "cramps" (I couldnt keep my
right-leg still... it was jumping up and down like crazy) for about half of
this race (last 10 laps).... Must admit I had enough to do, just coping
with that and trying my best to keep up.. Kudos to the others in the race
too - they raced hard and fair!)