It happened yesterday: I started practicing at Francorchamps (standard setup).
After a while, I got a 1:56.0, and I thought that was a pretty good lap to start
improving. So after an hour or so, I was close to 1:55 , so I thought "Tomorrow,
I'll get in the 1:54's and that will be it."
One day has passed now, and I'm trying to get in the 1:53's :-)
It's really astonishing how every little detail in driving improves your time
just that little bit. For now, I achieved a 1:54.1. I'm absolutely sure that at
least a 1:53.7 is possible for me with standard setup, and I even know _where_ I
make the mistakes. I find it an absolute joy to keep improving on it, as the
game is so ...honest. A mistake is always a real _mistake_. You never feel like
being betrayed by the game. And a "perfect" corner feels always like it was only
99% perfect, that there is _always_ room for improvement. "I could have been
earlier on the gas, I could have taken more kerb, I could have turned in a
little later, I could have taken less kerb so traction wouild have been
Detail: I'm driving with the keyb, with steering help on and throttle help. I
saw someone posting that this means "your only task is to steer right or left at
the right moment and the computer will take the corner" I beg you pardon, but
that is a BIG simplification. Being accurate or not makes a 2s difference. Seems
pretty important to me :-)
Anyway, enjoy the game with or without a steering wheel,
The most civilized civilizations are as close to barba-
rism as polished iron is to rust.