while and it's cluttered, slow, unstable, then yes, take the
opportunity to reinstall Windows clean. But I don't see the need to
format your HDD, this is not necessary. Just delete Windows and
Program Files folders (or rename them).
BUT the best way to go is to get Windows to remove all your current
hardware and install the new hardware, drivers, etc. again. The trick
is to open Regedit and delete the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ENUM" key (and
all subfolders). You MUST do this when you shutdown for the final time
and then install the new harware.This will remove all current
hardware, Windows will detect all the new stuff and you'll have a much
easier time.
Rafe Mc
>FWIW, I don't like the idea of 'dirty' motherboard installs. It just isn't
>worth the trouble it causes. False Economy...
>This is a good time to clean out the rafters. Back up all important
>documents, including mail, game settings, car setups, etc...
>Install the new hardware. Format the drive, and start from scratch.
>Once the basic Operating System, Patches and Drivers are all installed and
>working properly, Ghost the system to a CDR using either Ghost or
>DriveImage. Now, continue with adding applications, games etc... When all
>are installed, Ghost it again as your "Quick Recovery" image.
>Now copy your data and settings back.
>Yes, it takes more time. However, I think the effort is well worth it and
>pays off in stability in the long run.
>JMHO :)