It's the new demo, and it feel much nicer. Have to get it at Bethesda's
It's the new demo, and it feel much nicer. Have to get it at Bethesda's
I got it last night and played with it briefly... it includes Mid-Ohio and
a fictional figure-8 track... Mid-Ohio is a nice rendition, but the
changes into and out of the keyhole seems a bit extreme...
Also, one thing I noticed was, the car handled well, but when i went
beyond a certain point with the T2, the the steering got *really* heavy
and jerked to whatever side I happened to be steering...
But, like I said, I only played it for about 10 minutes so far...
- Mike.
Mike Holthouse - Indianapolis, IN
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R.I.P. Jeff Krosnoff: Sep 24, 1964 - July 14, 1996