using an old ISA SoundBlaster 16 sound card.
I get an average of 20 to 25fps in practice mode by myself with the
above setup. (that also includes a voodoo 2)
I tried a mates PCI soundcard, and wow what a difference to my frame
rates. With the PCI soundcard installed i got a whole 20 to 25fps in
practice mode compared to 20 to 25fps with my old ISA card.
Plus i get no compatability problems with my old ISA SB16, at all.
Just though you may be interested Trev....
> > For example... I have an awe 64 pci...
> > GPL with an old sb 16 isa... about 25 fps
> > with new 64 PCI... about 32-33...
> > the same is for the others games... 7-8 fps increase
> > Bye!
> > Cristiano
> Is this with no other changes? Only the ISA to PCI soundcard change?
> sounds like a rather large framerate increase and would surely be
> noticable :).
> Trev